I know I'm loooong overdue for a post here, but I am completely swamped by meetings that require all of my brain power. Who knew that becoming a real adult required this much work?!?! Oh wait...
I will, however, provide a brief summary of my trip to Singapore. The only thing of note we did was go to the Botanical Gardens, which were, I will admit, quite beautiful. I really enjoyed the piece of rain forest that is preserved there; it was amazing to walk through this bit of jungle and see these ENORMOUS trees. Stunning.
Other than that, Singapore was quite boring. We flew back to Bangkok for roughly a day, then flew home. The highlight of my trip home was the 4 year old who say next to me on the flight from Tokyo to Atlanta. She was incredibly talkative, something not terribly desirable on a 12 hour flight, but she was too adorable for me to get overly upset. It was her cuteness (and, I suppose, her age) that saved her when she asked me if I believed in the True God.
Needless to say (??), I told her I did, and let her tell me all about Noah's Ark and Jonah and the whale.
I promise that I will find some time this weekend to write a quick post about my move to Concord and all the exciting meetings I've been to over the past few days. Students start coming on Friday and classes start on Tuesday! eek!
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