Sunday, May 30, 2010

BIX: Evening #2

There was an afternoon dance in Boston Common yesterday, and I have to say that most of the exciting things from yesterday happened then...

* finding parking in downtown Boston when we had no quarters. Always fun.

* listening to music provided by about 12 people all playing ukuleles

* Lindy-Bombing the gazebo

* the parade of zombies that just happened to invade downtown Boston. A bit scary, to be honest

In the actual evening...

* THE BOILERMAKERS!!!!! They are so fantastic, and I think that last night was the best I've heard them play yet.

* various people dressed up for the theme of "Masquerade"

* a hip hop performance to Justin Timberlake's "Carry Out." HOTT.

Two more nights of BIX dancing to go!!


EDIT: * I won a t-shirt in the raffle!! yay!!

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