So, for those of you who don't know, my fellowship with my current school is ending with the school year. Though I would love to stay, 1) I haven't been offered a job for next year and because of that 2) I am excited to move into the city and try something new (hopefully graduate school). That being said, The Boyfriend and I have to find somewhere new to live. Several faculty have asked me if I thought about staying here just as a house parent, but I find it strange to only be working for the school in that capacity. So, since I've been on spring break, I've been looking up apartments obsessively. I contacted a real estate agent to help us out, as well as just e-mailing people on craigslist. I have to say, once we really got started, it was surprisingly easy! I arranged a meeting to see one place on Monday morning, then a meeting with the agent that afternoon. The boyfriend and I spent the day being driven from place to place, assessing faucets, closets, and storage space.
The first guy we met was...unconventional. He looked like a Rastafarian with white-man dreadlocks, one of those shapeless knot caps, and a sleepy, laid-back expression that made me wonder about his non-office hour activities. He took us to see two places; the first was literally right next to Tufts and the second was a bit farther away on Highland Ave. The first place was fairly large, with two bedrooms and a nice kitchen. The area, however, was a little too iffy and inaccessible. The second place on Highland, while in an obviously more accessible area, had a strange lay-out and really didn't have enough closet space. Plus, the walls were painted really bright, garish colors that would be a pain to cover up.
The second agent inspired much more confidence. He had a very professional manner and asked us all sorts of questions about what we wanted, how far away from Tufts we were willing to be, how much we would spend if heat and hot water were or weren't included, etc. Then he drove us around to a bunch of different places in his brand-new Mercedes. The first place was a no-go because it didn't have laundry in the building and was being renovated over the summer so the rent would be out of our price range. The second was a gorgeous loft, but the bedroom was teeny tiny! We also really want to have a separate room to use as an office. The third place was enormous! It was the first floor of a house in Winter Hill. The price was pretty good, but we'd have to take it in May instead of June. It was really large, though, which made it very appealing. The fourth place had disgusting carpets so I vetoed it as soon as we walked in. The last place was in Arlington, which is a bit too isolated for us, even though the apartment was cheap and beautiful.
Yesterday, we met another agent at a different place on Highland and it was...stunning. Large rooms, lots of windows, and just an awesome vibe in general. We saw another apartment that was similar but with a different layout, but we were in love with the first place. It's on the more expensive side in he rent, but it includes heat and hot water and is in an awesome location. SOO...I think we'll be going with that one and are getting ready to sign all the paperwork as I type this.
I am so excited to move into the city. While I love where I live now, it will just be so much easier to have a diverse social life if we're closer to the action. And it will definitely be nice to live away from 30 high school girls. ;)
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