Thursday, April 21, 2011


I haven't written in a month! Oops! Things have been in a whirlwind since I got my acceptance letter from Tufts. My mind has been all over the place - from getting classes ready to how we'll decorate the new apartment to where I might be student teaching next spring. Needless to say, I'm pretty anxious nowadays, and have been having trouble sleeping simply because I can't stop thinking about everything that is going to happen in the next few months. Classes end in four weeks (!!!) and then we're off! Moving, then driving to Ohio for my brother's graduation from undergrad, then back here to unpack, then classes starting. eek!

It's a bit surreal, the fact that I'm leaving the school. People keep bringing it up, asking what I'm doing next year, but it's still just words on a page to me. I'm exciting about starting this new chapter, but I know that on the last day of class I will be an emotional mess. I've grown so attached to this place! I don't really want to leave, as excited as I am to be going back to school. I love working here and it has been such a wonderful experience. At least I know that I have built myself a solid foundation with everything I've learned here, and that my program at Tufts will just be building up on that foundation.

Leaving will be hard, but it's been an excellent adventure and I'm ready for a new one.


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