Thursday, April 15, 2010

Displacement: Part One

So, I mentioned in my last post that a lot has happened since we returned from that fairy tale land called Italy. In order to fully understand, however, we have to go back in time a bit...

When I met up with the kids in Rome, they told me that they were so happy to be there, since it was sunny and it had been raining in Boston all the week prior. Chris had mentioned this as well, but at the time, I thought nothing of it. A few days later, however, while Jamie and I were frantically trying to figure out what we were doing the next day, she got a call from our head of Operations at CA. Jamie talked to him for a bit, laughed, then passed me the phone saying, "He needs to talk to you." Feeling a bit of foreboding, I took the phone.
"Hey Ploy, how are you?"
"I'm fine..."
"Hey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news when you're on a trip like this, but I just wanted to let you know that, you know, we've had a lot of heavy rain here in Concord..."
-insert uncomfortable squirm in my belly-
"...about 10 inches in the last weekend alone, so yeah, the river is flooded and I just need to let you know that right now there are about 3 inches of standing water in your place."
-insert my stomach dropping out my butt-
"So, don't worry about it, we've moved all your furniture, and you were so great, cleaning up before you left, and you did everything right, leaving us your keys and telling us where you were gonna be and everything will be fine..."
-insert the beginning of a cold sweat-
"... and we've got the nanny apartment in the headmaster's house all ready for you when you get back, I'll leave the key in your mailbox."
"Uhh, well great, thanks for taking care of that for me..."
"Yeah, don't worry, we've got it under control. We'll call if anything else happens."
Anything else??

I put down the phone, look and Jamie, and figure that all I can do is laugh with her.

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