Monday, March 29, 2010


I know this is a very belated post, but things here have been crazy hectic since I got back (more on that later). For now, here is a general summary of our trip:

Four days spent in Rome, running around, doing everything possible, including: the Forum, Colosseum, The Borghese Gallery, the catacombs, and lots and lots of gelato.

A whirlwind 48 hour tour of Campania including: the Naples Archaeological Museum, Herculaneum, Paestum, and Pompeii. This tour also included a terrible bus driver and an awesome tour guide.

Basically, the trip was a total success. The weather was literally perfect the entire time; high 50s to low 60s and sunny, ever single day. The kids were great; really well behaved, enthusiastic, and interested. And chaperoning was totally fun- I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I guess I didn't think rooming with Jamie would be as fun as it was. It was almost like we were back in high school, giggling over events of the day as we tried to put together tomorrow's agenda, staying up way too late given the amount of walking we had done and the time we had to get up in the morning. And the other chaperon, David, was completely awesome as well, taking a back seat kind of approach, letting Jamie do all the big talking and planning but being a constant, positive presence among the kids.

*I meant to come back to this post and finish it the next day, but alas, life happened*

Anyway, the trip was fantastic and I'm really glad I got to be a part of it. I feel a lot more connected to the upper level Latin students, which is good, and I also feel more connected to CA in general. It's hard to imagine that we were in Italy this time last month!

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