Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Successful Transplant

Well, world, we did it. The Boyfriend and I successfully moved all our crap from our apartment in the 'burbs of Boston into the city. Into Somerville, to be more specific, which, for all you non-Bostonians out there, is technically not Boston, but a separate city (but it is part of the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area). Whatever, it's all the same to me. And I love it. Our new apartment is spacious and full of light!! So much so that we were unable to sleep past 5am for the first few days because of the amount of sunlight streaming in through our blinds (and due to the total failure of our blinds). I guess living in a garden apartment makes you forget that there is, indeed, sun in the mornings.

Though we've had the apartment since June 1st, because of our trip to Ohio, this is the first full week we've been living here. We spent the first few days last week recovering from the road trip, and just when things are about to settle down, one of us has to jump up and leave again. That's right, the Boyfriend is leaving for Italy tomorrow, and will be gone on an archaeological dig there for six weeks. Boo hoo for me, but I guess with classes starting at Tufts on the 5th of July, I'll have other things to worry about other than being crushingly lonely. I also plan on doing quite a few fun things with some girlfriends, so hopefully I'll have plenty to post about. But that's about it for now, world. Have a lovely Wednesday!


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