Marginally more successful with Op: H this week. Still a few problems with the eating out, as well as feeling pressured to get something just because the person you're with is getting something (example: super sugary coffee drink from Bloc 11. I love that place, but man I did not need that coffee right before dinner), but otherwise, I feel like I'm doing well.
The Boyfriend and I have been planning out weekly dinner menus both so that we can save money at the grocery store by knowing what we want and so that we can be sure that we're eating healthily. Last week looked something like this: Thai chicken soup with rice, veggie fried rice, veggie lasagna, and black beans and rice. Unfortunately we ended up eating out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night, but I did my best to limit my intake and to make healthy choices.
In the workout arena, I went to the gym as many times as I said I would (pretty impressive, for me) and did basically the whole workout I said I would. I skipped an ab workout, which is stupid since that's the whole point, but I was wearing inappropriate shoes and didn't really have enough room to do the exercises recommended. Weak excuse, but here we are. In both the pool and the weight room I'm feeling stronger and more confident, and am generally enjoying myself. I think I've finally accepted that I'm no longer a competitive athlete, just a girl trying to stay active. And that helps, since if I hadn't, it would be around this time that I would be starting to quit. So, here's to a more successful week three!
Stats for week two:
yards swam - 4,500
hours spent lifting - 2 hrs 15 min
weight change - -.7 (yay!)
I'm even more optimistic because I definitely consumed more sugar than I should have this week, so if I can be more vigilant from now on, then man, who knows what will happen! :)
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