So, I feel much better this week; I think last week was just a hormonal super charge and everything was awful in every way. It really is hard to accept the fact that as a woman, your body is subject to fluctuations depending on the time of the month and so on. And nothing is worse than standing on that scale when you're already in a terrible mood and seeing that you've gained 4 pounds for no reason other than that of your gender. Lame pants.
But, I have been doing a lot of accepting this week. I've accepted the fact (I think) that I will never really weight what I want to, and that it may not be healthy for me to strive for that goal anyway. I looked up online, as well as in the Perfect Body Diet book, what my "ideal" weight should be, and it turns out that I am already there. I have lost about three pounds since I started this journey*, and it seems that I am not at a weight that is healthy and normal for me. Even though I haven't made my goal of losing 5-8 pounds, I've taught myself how to eat better and how to control my hunger and craving for sweets. I have two fulls days left in the "No Sweets This Month" challenge and while I am looking forward to being able to eat that food group again, I now know that I have the strength and will power to resist it, and have very clearly seen the results of not eating those things: I've hardly worked out at all for the past three weeks and yet I've continued to lost weight, all because I've cut out desserts!
Speaking of working out, I have admitted defeat to the school year business and am formulating a new plan that involves yoga twice a week and then slowly building up to lifting and then maybe to swimming. I don't feel the need to work out every day anymore, and I think if I tried to do that, it would negatively affect m job performance, but I do need some kind of activity on a regular basis. So we'll see how that goes.
So, I think the past 6 or so weeks have been an incredibly learning experience for me, and have really helped me figure out how to be a healthy, active adult. I just hope I can keep it up! I guess now I'll just have to blog about my regular life, but luckily for you, dear readers (if there actually are any of you!), my life has been pretty busy and fun lately, and will continue to be so into the foreseeable future. Be prepared for state fairs! new bars! new friends! and of course, the drama of being a high school teacher! :)
*In truth, I've actually lost about 6 pounds since May. I was very half assed about the whole thing until August, when I started being serious about eating right and exercising frequently. So, I guess it's not so bad... :)
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