Monday, October 18, 2010

Apple Crisp and Applications

Yesterday, due to an excess of soft apples, I decided to try making apple crisp. I'd never done it before, but after looking at the recipe, I thought to myself, "How hard can this be?" That was until I opened my can of oatmeal. I only had steel cut oats; the recipe called for rolled. Well, I'd measured and mixed enough already, so why not just throw those steel cut babies in there and see what happened? The result: a slightly weirder textured apple crisp. At least it tasted delicious.

So, a while back, I talked about re-taking the GRE sometime in the fall. A few days ago, I decided not to. Though my scores aren't awesome, I really believe the strength of the rest of my application can overcome an average standardized test score. So, today I started looking at the M.A.T. programs I'm applying to in an attempt to get everything together so I can start getting that application together. I'd completely forgotten what a hectic/frustrating/complicated/confusing process this is. I only applied to two school in high school and neither was a huge effort. Now, I'll be applying to at least three programs, all of which require transcripts and recommendations which have to be obtained from a different state. *sigh* So many moving parts.

Also, my dad called me this afternoon saying I needed to get MA plates, since I've lived here long enough to count as a resident, and that if I didn't, I'd probably get pulled over. Great.

On a happier note, classes went well today. Gotta love those kids. :)


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