Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Failed Attempt

So tonight I tried to make gnocchi, one of my favorite Italian pastas. I have a recipe from the Italian women who ran my study abroad program, so I decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, the potatoes I bought were too big - I needed boiling potatoes - and they didn't get soft enough when boiled to be mashed properly. This resulted in lumpy, chunky gnocchi, which was not good in the slightest. The tomato sauce that I made to go with it, however, came out perfectly. It's really very easy to make your own tomato sauce, as long as you have fresh tomatoes. You just saute an onion and some garlic in olive oil, then add fresh diced tomatoes and whatever spice you wish (I added fresh rosemary and some dried basil), then set the heat to low and cook it for about two hours, or until it thickens up nicely.

I intend to try gnocchi again - with the correct potatoes this time - soon, but for now I think I'll stick to recipes I know and have done before, at lest during the week. It's frustrating to go through all that effort when you're already tired from work just to have it not work out.

Today was a bit overwhelming for me. After looking at everything I needed for applications yesterday, I went to talk to a mentor about my resume, and whom I should ask for recommendations. Thinking about the whole thing, and trying to keep all the information in my head, just stressed me out incredibly. It's definitely going to be hard to get everything done on top of all my obligations at school. Hopefully this weekend I can get some stuff sorted.


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