Monday, March 29, 2010


I know this is a very belated post, but things here have been crazy hectic since I got back (more on that later). For now, here is a general summary of our trip:

Four days spent in Rome, running around, doing everything possible, including: the Forum, Colosseum, The Borghese Gallery, the catacombs, and lots and lots of gelato.

A whirlwind 48 hour tour of Campania including: the Naples Archaeological Museum, Herculaneum, Paestum, and Pompeii. This tour also included a terrible bus driver and an awesome tour guide.

Basically, the trip was a total success. The weather was literally perfect the entire time; high 50s to low 60s and sunny, ever single day. The kids were great; really well behaved, enthusiastic, and interested. And chaperoning was totally fun- I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I guess I didn't think rooming with Jamie would be as fun as it was. It was almost like we were back in high school, giggling over events of the day as we tried to put together tomorrow's agenda, staying up way too late given the amount of walking we had done and the time we had to get up in the morning. And the other chaperon, David, was completely awesome as well, taking a back seat kind of approach, letting Jamie do all the big talking and planning but being a constant, positive presence among the kids.

*I meant to come back to this post and finish it the next day, but alas, life happened*

Anyway, the trip was fantastic and I'm really glad I got to be a part of it. I feel a lot more connected to the upper level Latin students, which is good, and I also feel more connected to CA in general. It's hard to imagine that we were in Italy this time last month!

Friday, March 26, 2010

From the Other Side of the Pond

So, regrettably, I am back in the States now. And so much has happened since I got back, I don't even know where to begin.

The rest of my time in London was lovely. I spend a long, long time in the Parthenon room, staring at the Elgin Marbles and just feeling so encompassed by time and was beautiful. I also spent quite a bit of time in the rest of the British museum, mostly looking at the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian stuff. Fantastic. I also: toured the Tower of London (creepy and fascinating), briefly poked my head into the Tate Britain, had a fabulous and expensive afternoon tea (scones with clotted cream and jam = <3), perused antiques at Portobello Market, wandered the National Gallery and ate fantastic Chinese food with my host.

So, the morning of the day I was to fly to Rome, I decided to walk around Hyde Park a bit, since I figured I wouldn't have to head out to the airport till noon. (This reasoning hinging upon my taking the Tube to Victoria Station to get the train to Gatwick) I had a lovely walk; the weather was sunny and beautiful and the flowers and trees were just starting to bloom. I leisurely made my way back to the apartment around 11:30, had a quick lunch, and was out the door at noon. Exactly as planned. Except the Tube between High Street Kensington and Victoria was closed. Which meant that I had to take a bus. Which took forever. Which meant that I didn't get to Victoria until 1:00pm, and then to Gatwick until 1:30, then to the proper terminal until 1:45. For a 2:05 flight. I ran to the ticket counter, desperate, throwing my passport down gasping, "Please tell me I can still get on this flight!!" The attendent took my passport, clicked away on the computer, then looked up at my sadly. "I'm sorry miss, but this flight has just been closed." At which point I burst into tears.

Fast forward a few hours and many tears to my on a bus to Heathrow. Basically, the next flight to Rome wasn't until the next morning at 7:30 and was out of Heathrow, and since I would have to get there so early, I decided it would make the most sense for me to just stay at a hotel near Heathrow. Unfortunately, this ended up costing me close to $500. Live and learn, eh? So, after a fairly depressing night alone in the Holiday Inn, I successfully boarded the flight heading to Rome.

But the fun doesn't stop there, folks! In fact, it only gets more exciting. As I was flying over the Continent, Jamie was taking the kids through the Vatican Museums. And, after lunch, she had somehow managed to book a super exclusive tour of the ancient catacombs under St. Peter's Basilica. And when I spoke to her on the phone from my hotel room the previous night, she said, "We'll be in the Square until 1:30. We have to meet the tour guide at 1:35, but we can wait for you until 1:30." So, that meant that I had to somehow get myself from the airport, through customs, to the hotel, drop off my bag and to St. Peter's Square, before 1:30. My flight, of course, was late taking off, and we landed in Rome at 11. Ok, two hours, I can make it. Getting through customs was a breeze, 11:15, ok, I can make it. Baggage claim, forever! 11:45, shit, I don't know if I can make it! Leonardo Express, 30 minute train to the central train station, leaving at 12:05, crap, there's no way I can make it now... Taxi to hotel, check in at 1:00, St. Peter's is only a half hour walk? OK, I can do it, I can't make it...speed walking to St. Peter's, chanting, I can do it, I can do it...At 1:20, I burst into the Square and look wildly around for Jamie and the kids. I don't see her, but I continue to circle just in case, but after a few minutes, it's obvious they aren't there. Oh God, you didn't get me here on time just to have me miss them, did you?! I made my way slowly towards the Basilica, on the side where the restrooms are, thinking my efforts futile. And then, like a ray of sunshine, I saw David, the other chaperon, and, I kid you not, I jumped into his arms. I made it!

So, I met up with the group in time for the tour, a little sweaty and out of breath, but there. And boy, was it worth it. The ancient necropolis was probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen in Rome. Totally awesome and indicative of the melding of time and religions and people. It was so amazing, so stand there in front of what they think are St. Peter's bones. So yeah, it was worth the run. :)

More about the rest of the trip soon!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Quick Report

Hey all, I am alive and well, not that anyone reads this anyway. haha. I'm in Rome for one more night, and since I have to pay for this internet, I am going to update in full when I get home. So, keep an eye for the full story of: how I missed my flight to Rome, how I eventually made it to Rome and met up with the group, and how a week in Italy with high school kids is actually totally awesome, even if you can't drink.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mind the Gap

So, a bullet list-

Spring Break, Day 3; England, Day 3; Oxford, Day 3;
March 9th

*Ashmolean Museum- the museum of art and archaeology in Oxford. It was really great; the theme was Crossing Cultures, Crossing Time, and each floor told how each culture across the world influnced others. Very interesting, with lots of cool stuff to see.
*Botanic Gardens- a nice garden, though admittedly, it would have been nicer in June. I saw Tolkien's favorite tree and some cool cacti in the greenhouses.
*Afternoon Tea with Noon- lovely, lovely, lovely! I had a "classic cream tea" which involved clotted cream, jam, and scones, and was very delicious and truly delightful.
*met up with some Classics students/friends of Noon's for free drinks after a lecture, and ended up spending the rest of the night hanging out with them. Very fun!

Spring Break Day 4; England, Day 4; London, Day 1:
March 10th

*Had full English Breakfast with Noon (fried egg, sausage, baked beans, bacon, mushroom, tomato, toast and tea)
*Caught bus to London, and, after some difficulty, successful navigated the Tube to my mom's friend's NICE flat in Kensington
*practically passed out before and after dinner (at a lovely Thai place called Monkey and Me)

Spring Break, Day 5; England, Day 5; London, Day 2:
March 11

*Westminster Abby- gorgeous!!!!!! I was so in love I spend 2 hours walking around, and happened to see two people who work at CA. Small world!!
*Saw Big Ben and the Houses of Parliment
*London Eye - pretty cool but not worth £17.88
*Globe Theater- awesome, awesome, awesome! Saw more CA people and had a tour of the old Rose theater with them. The Rose was uncovered in 1987 (a bunch of actors slept on the site to convince the government to make it into a historical site)and is the only surviving Elizabeathen theater. After that I had a tour of the Globe, which is actually a reconstruction built only with tools and materials used in that time period. So cool!
*currently at the apartment getting ready to sleep!

So, things in London are going fantastically! I am in completely love with the city already and can't wait to see more tomorrow!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Day of Wandering and Irishmen

...well only one Irishman. Anyway...

Spring Break, Day 2; England, Day 2; Oxford, Day 2
March 8th

After sleeping off two pints of cider, I managed to get myself out of bed only to find that there was no hot water. Not a good start to the day, especially for me, who needs a shower in the morning in order to function. Blah. Anyway, after begrudgingly getting dressed, I headed out into town. Noon had left earlier for seminar or tutoring or something, so I was on my own that morning. I wandered down Cowley, almost got hit by a car trying to cross the street (look right first!), and picked up some delicious pizza to munch on while I wandered.

I walked all the way down High Street- as far as I could go before having to cross another street- before turning down some unknown road. I walked and walked, taking in the gorgeous Gothic architecture and running down the batteries on my camera. I saw the place where three Catholic bishops were burned at the stake for defending their faith. I saw a huge round theater with carvings of heads all around it. I wandered into the University Cathedral, and paid 3 quid to walk up to the top of the tower. The view was stunning- I was lucky that it was really sunny out- and I spent quite a while up there taking pictures and enjoying the view.

Travelling alone is definitely really nice. I can just wander in and out of places on my own whim, and stay for however long I want. It is also rather lonely, since I have no one to talk to or express opinions about what I'm seeing. Or someone to make snarky comments too, which I want to do alot, given the pretention of most Oxford students, Noon included. But for the most part, I have been enjoying this time to myself in which I can do whatever I want. It's a nice break from the constant hectic surroundings of school.

Anyway, after the tower, I met with Noon at Christ Church and we walked down by the river for a while before going to get tea. We ended up just getting cake since his favorite tea place isn't open on Monday's, but it was still delicious. After that, we came here (the Classics Center) for internet, then walked back to the graduate common room of Christ Church where I was left. Noon had a dinner to go to and had called a friend to see if he would like to hang out with me that evening while Noon was busy. We both thought that this friend, and Irishman, would be in Oxford by 6, so I waited in the common room for a text that didn't end up coming till 7:30. After many confused texts between Noon and myself, we figured that Paddy would not be in Oxford till later and that I was to meet him at a cafe at 9:30.

Fast forward through a rather boring dinner to 9:30, when I sat in the cafe with a drink and was approached finally by the myseterious Paddy. He bought us a bottle of wine and we started talking, and he was very nice and polite, though about halfway through a sentence, he took my hand which lay unassumingly on the table and started holding it and stroking it. Naturally, this caught my rather off guard, and I did my best to maneuver my hand back to myself. Paddy, however, was not deterred; he put his hand on my arm, or touched my hand that help my wine glass, he even at one point took both my hands in his and kissed them. Now, I am not used to this very forward attention from men I don't know, and, in addition to the wine, I had no idea how to react. I did my best to make it impossible for him to touch me, but he was clever as well. I texted Noon for help, and he hastily told us to come to the common room and hang out with him and his friends. As we walked over to Christ Church, with Paddy's arm tight around my waist, I told him firmly that I had a boyfriend to whom I was very devoted. He didn't seem phased at all, and refused to relinquish his grip on me. When we finally made it to ChCh, I was able to escape him in the midst of other people, and severely chastized Noon for leaving me alone with him. We ended up spending the rest of the evening in the common room with Noon and a few of his friends, all of whom were drunk and quite hilarious. Around midnight, after kebabs and a taxi ride, I collapsed onto the couch and into a deep sleep.

I have a bad feeling that this is not the end of Paddy, since he is in Oxford for the next few days and also lives in London. We'll see what happens next!

The plan for today is to visit a museum or two, see the Botanic Gardens, then get "proper pissed" tonight with Noon and Co, since I am heading into London tomorrow. Should be a lovely time! :)

And So It Begins...

I now have time to write out a longer account of my adventures thus far...

Since my flight out on Saturday (the 6th) wasn't until 6pm, I spent the morning with Chris, ice skating at Kendall Square, having lunch, finishing laundry. It was really nice out so we had a nice time. I got to the airport way earlier than necessary, as often happens, then uneventfully flew over to Heathrow and nabbed a bus to Oxford.

Spring Break, Day 1; England, Day 1; Oxford, Day 1
March 7th:

After a 45 minute ride through beautiful country side, I arrived in Oxford around 8:00am. The sun was just coming up and since it was Sunday, no one was around. It was rather strange, walking down a road that was completely empty and silent. But I guess that on a Sunday at 8am, I wouldn't be on the street, either. So I found Noon's house without any trouble and let myself in. He was in Cambridge giving a paper or something, so I just went into his room and collapsed on the bed. I slept for about 4.5 hours- the sleep of the jet lagged.

Noon came home around 3 and found me awake, clean, and already aquainted with his housemate Tom, who was kind enough to make me some delicious instant coffee. We had a glorious reunion full of hugs and swinging around- its hard to believe that I haven't seen him in 3 years! It was really great to finally see him again.

We decided to go and get some food- Chinese at a place called the Rice Box- then we walked up into town. Noon showed me his college, Christ Church, and we had a lovely time walking around, chatting and taking in the place. It is so beautiful it's hard to imagine people actually studying here. It's like something out of a movie or book (we did in fact see the dining hall that is used as the Great Hall in the Harry Potter films). Everything is so...English!

After our walk, we went home to hang out with Tom for a bit before heading out to a Portuguese place for dinner. After dinner, we went back home, picking up two bottles of wine on the way, and prodceeded to drink quite a bit. We then went out to a pub to meet another friend, Barnaby, where we drank some more. I have to say, I am very proud of myself, since I was very jet lagged and haven't had that much to drink in ages. I held it together quite nicely.

Around 1am, we staggered home, and that was my first day in Oxford!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello From Across the Pond!

Hey all, I made it safely to Oxford after a very uneventful journey. I don't have much time, but I thought I'd just drop a note in to say hello. I have been wandering around Oxford and it is so gorgeous! Hopefully I'll have time for a more detailed post later!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Sigh of Relief

So, that meeting I mentioned on Monday?

Peter: "So we'd really like to renew your fellowship for next year, if you are interested."

me: "Yeah! Totally!! Awesome!!"

That's literally what I said. So yeah, I have a job for next year!! Hurrah! I feel a bit guilty because the school when through a major budget cut this year which resulted in not a few "position eliminations" and I mean, why should I, who has only been here (and teaching!) for one year be able to come back over someone who has a lot more history with the school? I know it's different because I'm on a fellowship with a different budget, but still. I am, however, mostly extremely excited about getting to teach another year, getting to continue strengthening my relationships with the kids I have now, getting to stay in the greater Boston area. I'm so happy!! Now all I have to do is hope that Chris gets into BU or Tufts so he'll be around too...

Here's to further employment!! :D

Monday, March 1, 2010


From the Dean of Faculty:

Hi, Ploy. I have what I hope will be good news about next year that I'd like to talk about tomorrow. Can we find each other briefly, either before school or during break?

please god may this be him asking me to stay another year!!!!!


Here Comes the Sun...

...not really, but what is coming is way more important: Spring Break! Only 4 more school days till a lovely, long (18 days!) break. And boy, am I making use of those 18 days!!! I'll be in London for the first week, just visiting on my own, then in Rome for the second week, helping to chaperon the school Latin trip. I am SO excited!

I've never been to London before, so I can't wait to explore the city. I'm going on my own, which makes me even more excited, but mostly just nervous. I'm excited to expand my independence, but nervous about managing such a big, vibrant place on my own. I think it should be ok though, since I'll be staying with my friend Noon in Oxford for the first few days, then with a friend of my mom's in central London for the remainder of the trip. I have a general idea of what I want to do (British Museum, duh!!!!), but I'm looking forward to being able to just wander around. eek!!! It should be awesome!

Rome will be, of course, fantastic. I'm excited to be chaperoning- I think it'll be great to see Rome through fresh eyes again, and maybe even discover something new. There are 14 kids going, and two other chaperons, so it should be a good trip. I can't wait to be back in Italy! And this time we're going to Herculaneum, where I've never been before, so that should be really cool. I'm a little worried about the eating situation, though, since Jamie, who is leading the trip, hasn't left much time for eating, or much money. It will definitely be interesting. I'll probably just end up eating a lot of pizza. haha.

I'll try and blog every other day or so, just to let everyone know how the trip is going, but I'm not bringing my computer so I might not have internet access at all in Italy. We'll see though!

Here's to making it through 4 more days of school!!