Last night, the Boyfriend and I went out to the movies, which, in and of itself, is a momentous occasion. He happened to be working only until 3pm, so we had plenty of time to grab dinner then head to the theater. We went to the Coolidge Corner theater, which is pretty impressive. I'd never been there before, so it was a pretty fun experience; the interior is all art deco and the largest theater is actually a stage, with a curtain and everything.
Anyway, we saw The King's Speech, having seen a preview for it a few weeks ago. It's about King George the VI who takes the throne when his brother abdicates. George, played excellently by Colin Firth, just happens to stutter, and isn't really able to make public speeches, so he employs the help of one Lionel Logue, played by Geoffry Rush.
The movie was utterly fantastic. Firth and Rush portray their characters fabulously, and Firth is especially impressive pulling off the stutter. Helena Bonham Carter is great in an understated role as George's wife- I really loved her because she wasn't playing some crazy lunatic. The sets, costumes, and soundtrack are all beautiful, and learning something about the way we talk was pretty cool too. The best part was a scene with Colin Firth galloping around the room screaming "fuck!", "shit!" and "bugger!" at the top of his lungs, then sheepishly muttering "tits;" it might have been the funniest thing I have ever seen. I think the really amazing thing about this movie is that it is basically all dialogue-driven; there are no action scenes, no special effects, just two men, talking about how to talk. It's really very beautiful.
So, if you only see one movie in all of 2011, see THE KING'S SPEECH!
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