Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Day

So, yesterday was the snow day. The Boston area was slammed with at least 18 inches of the powdery stuff, and The Boyfriend and I woke up to a world of white. The stairs leading down to our apartment were completely obscured by the snow, as were the paths leading around campus. We certainly weren't going anywhere soon. So, we had a leisurely breakfast, then suited up to go shovel. That was interesting, since there was so much we weren't really sure where to put it. It was also still snowing rather heavily with great gusts of wind swirling snow every which way. Nevertheless, we shoveled our way out of the apartment, cleared the stairs, then the path ways around us. By the time we headed back in, a fine layer had already accumulated.

Back inside, The Boyfriend and I spent most of the day lounging around, watching TV and movies. I did invite the girls in my house in for a little tea party. I had acquired the delicious Tim Tam cookies, and we whiled away an hour or so doing Tim Tam Slams (if you don't know what that is, look it up on Wikipedia. It's delicious). Around 4, all campus residents were required to move their cars to an un-plowed spot, so the plow trucks could clear the rest of the parking lot. So, we grabbed our shovels and snow brushes and joined our neighbors in sweeping the foot of snow off the tops of our cars then shoveling that all out so it could be moved. That was certainly a lot of hard work, and made the snow day slightly less enjoyable. After the cars had been moved, however, The Boyfriend proceeded to throw me into a bank built up by the plows, which devolved into a full on snow-ball fight between us. It was glorious.

As much as I savor the time away from work, I'm not an enormous fan of the disruption of routine. Anyone who knows me knows that I worship my daily routine, and anytime I deviate from it, I feel antsy and unsatisfied. This morning, as I got ready for work, I felt strange and out of place, all because I hadn't been in school the previous day. I blame this feeling not only on the disruption, but also on the fact that we'd only been in school for one day before the snow came. Hopefully today and tomorrow can get me back into the swing of things. At any rate, here's to really starting the new semester, and the new year.


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